Production facilities

ACC plants are designed to meet the requirements of the world well known chocolate and cocoa powder makers providing high quality products without compromise.


Located in the industrial zone of the Port Autority of Kribi, ACC Cameroon factory commissioned in December 2020 is built on a 6 Ha land.

With an annual processing capacity of 48,000T of cocoa beans expandable to 64,000T, this state-of-the-art unit is equipped with the latest technologies ensuring high quality products in total respect of safety and environmental requirements. This plant has liquor, butter , cake, and powder production facilities.


Located in the industrial zone of Yopougon in Abidjan, ACC Abidjan plant has been taken over from CONDICAF SA in 2024. This factory is built on a 2.5 Ha land and has been refurbished before production resume in October 2024.

With an annual processing capacity of 48,000T of cocoa beans expandable to 64,000T, the site is equipped with well-known technologies from BUHLER, CAOTECH, AASTED, CHEMTEC ensuring high quality products in total respect of safety and environmental requirements. It is dedicated to liquor production to customers.


Located in San Pedro, in Ivory Coast, this factory is under construction.

With an annual processing capacity of 64,000 MT of cocoa beans expandable to 100,000 MT , this state-of-the-art unit will be equipped with the latest technologies and benefit from lessons learnt from the first plant.